
Hi, my name is Jerry Henson. I was raised in The Assembly of God Church. Comes a time and sin builds up and feels like your carrying a heavy load on your back. It feels really good to be forgiven of all your sins, and to repent, to stop doing that. It's like starting all over, like being born again. I was born again in 1984. I love God with all my heart, soul, mind, and strength. I have received the gift of salvation from the strong arm of God. I am a Christian, that's all. I do not profess any other label. I see one name for Christ's people in the Bible, and that name is "Christian". I see it three times:

(1)Acts 11:25-26 Then departed Barnabas to Tarsus, for to seek Saul: And when he had found him, he brought him unto Antioch. And it came to pass, that a whole year they assembled themselves with the church, and taught much people. And the disciples were called Christians first in Antioch.

(2)Acts 26:28 Then Agrippa said unto Paul, Almost thou persuadest me to be a Christian.

(3)1Peter 4:16 Yet if any man suffer as a Christian, let him not be ashamed; but let him glorify God on this behalf.

I have no "religious" labels before or after "Christian". Must we all? There truly is only one name for Christs people in the Bible.

This is a collection of Bible studies I have done, the result of a sincere search for truth within the scriptures. After many years of complete dedication, intense Bible study, and constant prayer, what I learned amazed me. This is not what I was taught in "Sunday School", but I learned many others in the past and present have similar views.

I learned that to better understand the message from God within the scriptures, there must be a putting away of pride, self, the doctrines and traditions of men, all preconceived notions, and just letting the scriptures interpret themselves is required. Becoming as a little child is required. Seek "the kingdom of God" before everything else, and everything else will come. That not only applies in life, but when reading the Bible too! A good study on "The Kingdom of God" will reveal much I tell you!

As I began my journey, I was very hungry for truth, searching as man searches for great treasure. I was certain the world was going to end in my generation though, and I was well on the road to becoming a false prophet of doom. I discussed everything in Bible discussion groups for years before I began to write, some were with me, most were not, and sometimes I include words said by others, words I felt held truth and spirit. You would not believe all the things I experienced, and it was the hardest thing I ever did in my life, a battle of all battles. In the end, I found my place of rest, and it is good.

It was prayer that saved me and set me free really, time of dedication to God, and a sincere search for truth. This collection of Bible studies is the result of the special time I made for my God in my life.

I also learned we must remember when reading the Bible to realize Jesus was not sitting down writing a book. He actually said these things to real people He was among and encountered. He was not talking right over their heads, writing a book to people thousands of years in the future. And also to remember Paul's letters were indeed "letters", "epistles" to first century assemblies. Once you begin to see it, all the personal and time sensitive expressions such as; "And Jesus said to them", "I", "You", "We", "Me"... "Now", "Soon", and many others, realizing who was being addressed and when, you will begin to read the Bible in a new way that makes more sense.

I learned that when reading the New Testament, it is very important to consider the position of the Jews in the time of Jesus, the first century. That's something I never heard much about in Church.

This understanding of scriptures presented to you is not a real common understanding in many Christian "denominations", or on TV, but then again, it is not a new thing. Nor am I the only one to have arrived at similar conclusions. I later found out there have been many all throughout history (see below), and many today (see below) to have arrived at similar conclusions regarding the scriptures, more specifically, prophecy, what Christ has done for us, and the gospel that was preached to us.

The first thing I seen that really got me looking deep was when I began to realize the identity of the "mother of harlots" years ago, as the first century religious system of the Jews that Jesus said was to be charged with the blood of all the prophets, the works of the temple in Jerusalem, Herod's Temple, her, Jerusalem, their works, holding a cup full of abominations in one hand and the laws of Moses in the other, sitting there upon that fearsome and bloody beast that hated her, hated everything about her.

As I began preaching what I learned, I remember the first time someone asked me, "are you a preterist?" I responded, "I don't know what a preterist is", so the truth is, I could have been called a preterist before I even knew what a preterist was. It's not as if I went to "Preterist" classes or anything like that, it's not a religion, it's just a term for a Christian view point, a way of reading the Bible, just as a "Futurist" viewpoint is. I am just a Christian, that's all.

It was then that I began to research the term "Preterist". I did a Google, and came up with some amazing results! I learned there were others, many in the past, and many today, to have arrived at similar conclusions.

I don't call myself a Preterist, I call myself a Christian. I do give a lot of credit to Christ the Lord, realizing many things he has done for us, already, many things most Christians don't, but I always look forward to what he is still doing, and I certainly may be wrong about things, but here is my heart.

As long as Christians put the word "future" back in their vocabulary, sharing the Good News of salvation to all, yes all, giving hope to children for a better tomorrow, especially the children, I am sure God loves you very much, and many others.

This term may be strange to you, but this testimony I pray just may ring true! In short, This is my testimony to you all, a message of spirit and truth. This is what I preach:

King of kings and Lord of lords, chief cornerstone of a living building and bride, New Jerusalem, having received all power in heaven in earth, having received his seat, a high place of authority, the holy heavenly power of light sits at the right hand of the power of God, and He reigns, in his Good Fathers kingdom, the kingdom of God, now, and forever.

He reigns, not by might or power, but by the Spirit of the Lord, giving liberty and justice to all. He is gracious and easy going. He is King of all kings and Lord of all lords, and he does reign, now, and forever. He calls his sheep. His sheep hear his voice. His sheep come to him. Always always always always!

With Adam, man was born of the earth, born in bondage, and banished from the tree of life. But in Christ, the tree of life is freely offered to all, and one can be born free, born of spirit, born of the groom and his bride, she is the mother of us all, the general assembly of Christ's Church, a new Jerusalem, born as seeds of Abraham, born free, as the sands of the sea.

By one man, sin entered into the world, and by one man, sin was taken away from the world. In disobedience born of deception came death, but in obedience born of truth came life, and God raised him from the dead! By one man, mankind was banished from the Tree of Life, and by one man, the Tree of Life is freely offered to all.

The throne of David was established before the throne of God in the highest heaven. Jesus is the King of heaven and earth and reigns in a tabernacle not made by the hands of men, but the hand of God. He is King because He has received His kingdom, and He reigns. He truly is the Lord of all Lords and the King of all Kings, even the little kings of the earth. When we say He is Lord, we say He is Lord of all, and if He is not Lord of all, then He is not Lord at all.

Hear the Word of the Lord all you people, and clap your hands in Joy! The King is in residence in His Holy Tabernacle! A Tabernacle not made by the hand of men, but by the Hand of God! It is not by might or power that Christ reigns over us, but by the Spirit of the Lord.

In knowing the imaginations of the hearts of man kind, God sent his beloved and unique Son to the world, to save the world, a great mercy of God that changed everything! The Good News truly is Good News! It is better than many realize, even many Christians! Glory, Power, and Honor to the holy lamb of God.


The list of links below reveal the many early Christians to have arrived at similar conclusions, Christians with a Preterist viewpoint. Some call them Church Fathers, but as I see it, our Church Father is God. I found this list also serves well to refute those who say the Bible was just invented by men hundreds of years after Jesus spoke the words around 30AD.

Although all the books of the Bible were not canonized into one book until much later than the first century, what was spoken by Christ and His Apostles was certainly preached and heard in the first century. Jesus did not sit down and write a book. And what Jesus and His disciples had preached in the first century was certainly written down. We know this because many early scholars, historians, and of the Early Church have acknowledged the teachings of Jesus, and teachings of the Apostles and disciples of Christ, before the Bible book was complete...


Clement of Rome (c. AD 30-100)
Flavius Josephus (c. AD 37-100)
St. Ignatius (c. AD 50-117)
Justin Martyr (c. AD 100-165)
St. Irenaeus of Lyons (c. AD 130-200)
Mathetes (c. AD 130-200)
Quintus Florens Tertullian (c. AD 145-220)
Titus Flavius Clemens (c. AD 150-220)
Hippolytus of Rome (c. AD 170-236)
Origenes of Alexandria (c.AD 185-254)
Thascius Caecilius Cyprianus (c. AD 200-258)
Melito, Bishop of Sardis (c. mid 200's AD)
Lactantius (c. AD 260-330)
Eusebius of Caesarea (c. AD 263-339)
St. Victorinus of Petau (c. AD 270-305)
St Athanasius (c. AD 295-373)
Epiphanes (c. AD 315-403)
*John Chrysostom of Antioch (c. AD 347-407)*
Sulpcius Severus (c. AD 360-425)


The list of websites below are modern day Christians who have arrived at similar conclusions, generally called "Preterist". While there are many named individuals who's work stands out, the partial list of links below will give you a better understanding of what this belief is all about. Don't let the label discourage you, they are Christian websites with a wonderful message about Jesus Christ our Lord and King, and from what I have seen, Preterist's tend to know the Bible very well, and better yet, they understand it as it was meant to be understood, spiritually.


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