Christian life, yesterday, today, and tomorrow

As revealed in Christ's imminent warning to an assembly in Pergamos, Satan set up his very seat in an assembly in Asia many moons ago, a newly established Christian assembly in Pergamos. His intention was surely to deceive and corrupt this new body of Christ before it could grow in the full truth of Christ, and the teachings of Christ. His M.O. has always been the same, right from the start, a liar to deceive mankind by having them believe "Spiritual" matters spoken by God through the prophets were to be taken "Literally". Starting from the very beginning, with Eve, Satan deceived mankind by having Eve take something "Spiritual" God said, "Literal". God was not speaking of a physical death, but a spiritual death, but he made Eve believe it was a physical death God was speaking of.

Then again with the Jews, before the Messiah came, Satan convinced them the Messiah was coming to establish a physical kingdom, and to physically reign on Earth forever, thus to deceive them to not accept the Messiah when he came, but when he did come, and was asked of this, Jesus said his kingdom was not a physical kingdom, was not of this world, would not be seen here or there, and would not come with observation. Then again with Christ, Satan tried to have Christ literally jump off a cliff, saying God would save him, when God was referring to spiritual matters, again to turn literal stones into literal bread, to literally eat bread to live physically, when Christ himself was the living bread God had spoken of spiritually, and again to give Christ literal physical kingdoms, to reign over physically, knowing God had promised all kingdoms of the world to the Messiah, who was given all power in heaven and earth. Even as the holy angels of God announced "Unto you this day a king is born", Christ made it clear, it was a spiritual kingdom he would reign in, saying he would come again in his kingdom soon, but would not be seen here or there either, therefore declaring a spiritual reign, a king who truly would reign forever, incorruptible, in the kingdom of God.

And so it is today. See how Satan has deceived the whole world, generation after generation. Christianity today seems to have adopted many such doctrines, starting with the teachings of the Scribes and Pharisees, stretching to a belief held by many Jews today, that a physical temple in Jerusalem must be built before the Christ will reign over them, physically, a lie actually designed to bring about another one of Satan's wars, this time another war of end time deception. The intention: To eat your flesh with fire.

This has been going on an awful long time. This is nothing new. There is a very dangerous belief commonly taught within Christs Church these days, known by many as the "End Time" doctrine. As emphasized by many false prophets of doom, even in Churches and on TV, many have been taught, and are absolutely convinced, we are living in the "Last Days", (the same "last days" many disciples of Christ spoke of so many moons ago, saying "these last days"). This generation is likened unto many a generation before it really, generation after generation many have been absolutely convinced THEY were living in the last days, that when they read "this generation", it means their generation, a sort of vanity man just has that seems to tell them it is all about THEM. I've been there, done that. I know. And generation after generation it kills. Imagine how many have died, how many lives were ruined, because the were absolutely convinced, the were living in the "last days", when the gospel truth is, the "last days" were in the first century.

A few Examples...

Jean de Roquetaillade announced it for 1366.
John Wycliffe announced it for 1379.
Hans Hut announced the end for 1528.
Cardinal Nicholas of Cusa announced it for 1533.
Jan Matthys announced for 1534.
Martin Luther taught Christ would return by 1564.
Melchior Hoffman announced it for 1593.
John Napier announced it for 1688 or 1700.
Cardinal Pierre d'Ailly announced it for 1789.
Lavater announced it for 1795.
Richard Brothers announced it for 1795.
Methodist Joanna Southcott (1750-1814) announced she was the Bride of the Lamb and began to seal the 144,000.
William Miller predicted 1843.
Elizabeth Claire Prophet announced it for 1989.
Irish Bishop James Ussher's prediction was for 1996.

The year 2000, again, countless false prophets, and countless end timers since.

Have you ever walked into a Christian bookstore? You might have noticed on the shelf there have been a few failed predictions through the years.

As Time Runs Out
Final Warning-all by Grant R. Jeffries
How Close are We? -D. Hunt
Apocalypses by Eugene Weber
The Millennium Bug -Michael S. Hyatt
88 Reasons Why the Rapture will be in 1988 by Edgar Whisenant
The Left Behind Series
Foreshocks of the Anti-Christ- eclectic Prophecy Watch -Ice & Demy
2000 A.D. & Predicting Christ's Return -Ice & Demy

Since the invention of Television, it has even gotten worse it seems. Lights and sound have an effect on the mind. Lights and sound are very effective in brainwashing. And so is a shared group belief. When everyone around you believes something, and they say it often enough, you start to believe it too. This end time delusion, that "the world is going to end soon", truly is an effect of brainwashing, as it has no root in a proper understanding of the historical context and time the words were spoken, as recorded in the Holy Bible. This end time doctrine seems to consume many a Christian today, and has been spreading throughout the world, like wild fire, eating at the living hopes of children, just as fire consumes lifeless grass. The grass is in poor condition, as the roots have surely been nourished by the lies of the devil.

How many slaughters by deceived end timers? Countless. How many suicides? Countless. How many just dropped out of life, having no problem with a destructive behavior, since they are convinced the world was going to end soon anyway. Or how many actually went out, leaving all behind, preaching their end time fire downtown Somewhere-Ville? Countless. How many made it all the way to your T.V., scaring the hell out of countless children, and deceiving the masses? How many were falsely accused of being the beast, man of sin, or even Satan, or even worse, killed? Countless. How many wars? How many deaths? Countless. Shall we begin to name names? Shall we begin to name massacres? Will we be forced to see just how vicious and awful the end time doctrine really is? Or will it continue to go on unnoticed? I should say not! I assure, there is an end, and that end is in sight.

My hope is that the Bible may be understood in the true historical context and time as the words were spoken, as recorded in the Holy Bible, for instance when we read, "these last days", we simply understand this was not spoken yesterday. And when we read the great book of Revelation, we may begin to see that it truly is a magnificent Testimony of the life and times of Jesus Christ, presented in a poetic symbolic form, as seen and uttered by the Holy Spirit who sees and says things different than many 21st century Gentiles read English.

My hope is that the truth will set you free, and the righteous can truly shine forth as the sun in the kingdom of their father. Little children, I wanted to tell you there is hope, hope for a better tomorrow, hope in Christ, because of His righteousness, God has declared good will toward man, and on earth peace, peace within those in whom he is well pleased. Please pray for the world. Ask Christ, our King, to reign over us, his kingdom come, in truth, and power, in glory, and honor, that the will of God be done on earth, just as it is done in heaven.

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