Understanding the past to transform the future

In Understanding the historical context of the message of Christ, John the Baptist, and the Apostles and disciples of Christ, comes a new way of reading the Bible, and with that understanding comes a new hope for the future. I like the way the writer of this website put it: "Understanding the past to transform the future"

In understanding what is behind us, we may better understand what lay ahead. And as I have come to understand it, the worst is behind us, the judgment of this world, and the days of vengeance. It was for good reason, for the blood of all the prophets.

God is not angry with mere sinners in Montana, whom Jesus died for, He was angry that Jerusalem kept killing all the prophets. David, Daniel, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Zechariah, all of them pleaded with God to do something about it, so finally God sent his beloved son, hoping they would listen to him, but they didn't, they killed him too.

The Messiah came! Messiah! He was sent from God unto that generation for a reason, saying: "NOW is the judgment of this world", and "THESE are the days of vengeance to fulfill all that is written", and He did not say this yesterday, but in the first century, saying "THIS generation will not pass until all these things be fulfilled". He came with a sword.

And even more, history records all this coming to pass within that same generation, a time of supernatural vengeance that lasted 7 years, with a particular hard time of 3 1/2 years. Coincidence? No way. It was an act of God and Jesus spoke of it and warned many he spoke with, it was coming SOON

After this time of great trouble, it was as if all things were made new, and now there is redemption, and we can shine forth as the sun in the kingdom of our father, as His vengeance was had and His anger has passed.

Time we all get to shining on!

So there is hope for future generations in this new age in Christ. Futurists need to put the word "Future" back in their vocabulary, and stop scaring the hell out of kids and taking away their hope for a BETTER tomorrow.

But this great truth is not going to be easy, many want it to be all about them, (the bad news for someone else of course), and if it isn't, the Bible is of no importance to them. Then there is the problem with Church structure.

As Walt Hibbard puts it:

"This writer has confronted Christian scholars and laymen who openly display a studied and almost stubborn reluctance to part with the futurist views that they have been taught. The cost of abandoning futurism is high - too high for many scholars and pastors to pay!

Pause for a moment and consider what is involved here. I'll list just a few things below:

1. Pastor, elder and deacon ordination vows may be placed in jeopardy!
2. Loss of pastoral occupational positions and accompanying family stress!
3. A partial revision of the great ecumenical creeds and confessions!
4. Hundreds of Bible commentaries and study guides needing to be rewritten!
5. Seminaries needing to revise large portions of their curriculum!
6. The man-in-the-pew may feel betrayed at the hands of those he trusted!

So...is it worth it? In the final analysis, it boils down to the question: Does truth really matter more than the things listed above? Does God honor His truth more than outward unity?"

One more I might add:

7. They might not make as much money!

He asked "Is it worth it"? The answer is a resounding YES! Its high time for the truth to be heard, and we move on to "Understanding the past to transform the future"!

The Vision of a better tomorrow

Imagine 50 years from now, (and yes life goes on 50 years from now!), children playing in the streets singing "God is not angry with us!"..."Yay!"..."We look forward to a better tomorrow!"..."Yay!". Now that is a new hope! A far cry from the futurist false prophet of doom message that gives children no hope for the future, promising gloom and doom to all, and always within "this generation", generation after generation.

With no hope for the future many tend not to prepare for the future and to loose their desire to make the world a better place today. Lets make the world a better place! It's getting better all the time. Imagine life in the first century, now the middle ages, the cowboy days, well one thing for sure, it's getting better all the time!

This is the message of spirit and truth, not the literal fantasy world futurist message of a someday perfect world and perfect people living on earth in flesh bodies that were not designed to live forever....someday, always someday, never today. As long as we are in the world and in this flesh there will be pain and sorrow. Well, that is a temporary thing, when we put off this flesh that is no more, and that is the promise of God to all who believe, eternal life in a new heavenly body, and because eternal life is the promise there is no more death for the believer, that is what Christ has done for us!

All these things are better understood spiritually, not literally. We can make the world a better place, right now, we don't have to wait wait wait, waiting in vain for a certain day that will never come with observation. Right Now. The vision of a better tomorrow starts with you and I right now, today.

What now?

John 14:23 Jesus answered and said unto him, If a man love me, he will keep my words: and my Father will love him, and we will come unto him, and make our abode with him.

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