Three More Times?
I have found that many have not really thought through to the logical conclusion of their doctrinal position when looking at the big picture. For their belief to all come together, many will have Jesus come three more times, and many do not even realize this is their belief. This is the big picture, how many are taught.
Please do not think I am trying to be a wise guy here, I am just asking that you think about this and please reason, see the big picture, the doctrines called "The Rapture", "The Millennium", but also the "Judgment" that Jesus spoke of, and how this total belief when separated like that requires Christ to come three more times, for a total of four times.
So this is how it goes...
1. They say Jesus will come a second time, revealed in the sky as a giant Jesus, and all Christ's people, all the righteous, will suddenly and literally fly into the "air", to meet Him, and will literally "remain forever", leaving only the wicked behind.
2. After who knows how long, they say Jesus will come a third time and reign on earth for 1000 years, with those who were caught up to the "air" to "remain forever" (doh!), ruling over all the wicked who remained, taking away all their weapons, and ushering in 1000 years of perfect peace on earth.
3. Then after 1000 years, Satan will gather the [weaponless] wicked into battle against Christ, Christ will allow this as He remains, or just go away for awhile to allow this, then Jesus will come again a fourth time to kill all the wicked, and destroy the whole wide world.
1. Didn't Jesus speak of only ONE more coming, and right quickly, soon, within that same generation, in the lifetimes of some standing there?
2. If this is to be taken literally, and they were to literally be caught up into the "air", to literally "remain forever", then why do they say they come back with Jesus later, to reign on earth for 1000 years?
3. If Jesus took away all weapons, and ushered in perfect peace on earth for 1000 years, why is there a war after that, as Satan is released after the thousand years. Why would Christ allow this? Does He just go away for awhile after the thousand years? What do those who later war with Christ fight with if Christ took all the weapons away, how can there be any nukes left to destroy the entire planet earth, as they say this happens after the thousand years? And is it even possible that a nuclear bomb can work below the surface of the earth, vaporising the entire planet? From what I have seen in televised tests done, it is as a wind of fire along the surface of the earth.
4. And if the "final battle" is more than 1000 years away, after the "Millennium", why do they say that we are in the "last days", that the " end of the world" is near?
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