Q & A
This introduction is from the study "Reading the Bible".
I have seen many people throw scriptures around, non Christians, and even Christians, people who throw scriptures into the laps of others as if they belong there, because sometimes it says "you" or "now", but many times a certain scripture does not belong in the lap of just anyone anywhere at any time. It must be considered carefully. It must be taken to heart. When reading Jesus' words in the Bible, try thinking of Jesus, not you, not your local neighborhood sinner. Try seeing Jesus walking around Jerusalem in the first century, talking to people, not sitting down writing a book.
Some things do apply to all mankind for all time, like John 3:16 for example. It is called #1 for a good reason. Angels hold that one high all over the world. Some things do not apply to all mankind for all time. The blessed and Holy Bible tells us God is real, God has interacted with us, and the message of the promised Messiah, Christ the Lord. It is priceless. Some things are not to be thrown around at just anyone anywhere at any time.
One should always ask, Who was being addressed? When? Why?
When one does, one will realize that the first century saints Jesus walked among and spoke to are those he was talking to. They were all persecuted, brought before kings, thrown in jails, beaten, murdered, hated, forsaken, and scattered. They were also given a mouth of great wisdom that pierced their offender to the very bone, as the Christian child grew and grew strong, not by might or power, but by the spirit of the Lord. Not one hair on their head perished in the grave before they were also given a seat of great honor in heaven. They died and came to life and have become as priests of God and Christ, and have reigned with Christ for a thousand years, in heaven.
One must keep in mind when reading the New Testament that all the Apostles were killed before the harlot was cleansed by the year 70, except for John who remained, as were many of their fellow first century saints, and all the writers of the New Testament, murdered for the gospel sake before 70 AD.
-Did they feel as if they were living in the last days? Yes.
-Were they living in the last days? Yes, the last days of that old age before Jesus came.
-Did Jesus say vengeance was coming soon? Yes.
-Were they expecting vengeance to come soon? Yes.
-Was Jesus speaking of his generation when he said "this generation"? Yes.
-Did he mean the generation to see the vengeance in Judea would remain to see everything he said come to pass? Yes.
-Did vengeance come upon that generation? Yes, and no man gainsay it.
-Was the gospel preached to every creature under heaven in the first century? Yes.
-Who was charged with the blood of all the prophets? Jerusalem.
-Was first century Jerusalem, BABYLON? Yes
-Was the harlot the religious system of the temple in Jerusalem? Yes.
-What was the charge against the harlot? The blood of all the prophets.
-Why was the wrath of God poured out? For the blood of all the prophets.
-When was the wrath of God poured out? Roughly 66.5 - 70 AD.
-Was God patient and righteous in executing his judgment upon the house of Israel? Yes. He sent his son.
-Did the Lord Jesus come in power and cleanse Israel, putting his enemy's behind him? Yes.
-Who were his enemy's? The powers of darkness, and the workers of the temple in Jerusalem, that first century religious system of his husbandmen.
-Was the Devil bound in restraint after the cleansing of Jerusalem, roughly 70 AD? Yes. He had no where else to go.
-Is there Salvation on earth now? Yes. The harlot was avenged for the blood of all the prophets, and Messiah has dominion.
-Did Jesus say he was coming in his kingdom, soon, before some who stood among would die? Yes.
-Did Jesus say the kingdom of God would not come with observation? Yes.
-Did Jesus say the kingdom of God would not be seen here or there, because the kingdom of God is within you? Yes.
-Did Jesus promise them he would be coming soon? Yes.
-Were they anxious for his salvation? Yes.
-Did they expect to see him here or there? No.
-Was he coming as a thief to take what was his to take? Yes.
-What was his to take? The keys of death and the grave, and everything therein.
-Was his day as the lightning lights up the sky all around you, not here or there, but everywhere? Yes.
-What day was that? Who can say what day and hour his dominion came to be! Only God. Only God. Amen.
-Was his coming in judgment? Yes, His coming was the judgment. He has not forgotten his promise. He has kept it. The wrath of God was poured out upon the harlot for the blood of all the prophets.
-Am I saying Jesus has come already as and when he promised his Apostles? Yes.
-If he has come in judgment as and when he said, where is he now? Not here or there, but everywhere, even in your heart.
-Did every eye see him? Yes. Every eye there ever was, or will ever be, even those who pierced him. All flesh and every mind shall see deliverance from the grave, He will call them, and every eye shall see the holy lamb of God in all his glory and must confess he is Lord, they cannot help it, some to their own shame, and some to the glory of God.
-Does the holy lamb of God sit upon a throne of glory in an everlasting kingdom now and forever? Yes.
-Is He Lord of lords and King of kings now and forever? Yes.
-Does he reign now and forever? Yes.
-Is he a good king? Yes, the best ever. He reigns showing great mercy to all giving liberty and certain justice to all, not by demanding forced compliance, but by his spirit.
-Does it anger him to know he is LORD, and that he reigns, now and forever? No, he is glorified.
-When was the "rapture"? When salvation came, after the harlot was cleansed.
-Am I saying salvation is what some call the "rapture", that Paul was deep and is often misunderstood? Yes.
-What was the abomination of desolation? The events leading up to the desolation of the first century Temple in Jerusalem, and the desolation of it.
-Was "the beast" the political system and lies of the devil in the powers of the Roman Empire? Yes.
-Was the Roman Empire the most sinful and bloody civilization ever? Yes, sin and blood as red is scarlet.
-Who was the man of sin? Like the Pharaohs before the Roman Emperors, and the prince of Tyrus before them, He was the man who sat as God in his own heart, in his heart sitting as God in the seat of God, but was just a man.
-What was his mark? A number of his name, a mark and curse because of his name, written within the hands and minds and deeds of those hearts who worshiped that man as God.
-Was the beast thrown into the lake of fire? Yes. All who sit as God in their own heart and demand worship from man are consumed in the flame of utter shame. Man does not worship man as a God as man used to do on a wide scale. That foolish wickedness is no more.
-Do the dead rise now? Yes, we are clothed in a new heavenly body and taken up to heaven.
-When did the dead first rise? When Jesus was crucified the OT saints were raised. And again, not long after the last Apostle died, all murdered by the year 69, after the cleansing in fire of the works and deeds of the land and religious system of his husbandmen by the year 70, they came to life and are seated on thrones of judgment in heaven.
-Am I saying the Apostles are alive and well, clothed in a new heavenly body, seated on thrones of great honor now and forever? Yes indeed.
-Are their earthly remains still in their graves? Yes.
-Did all those blessed first century saints who gave their lives for the gospel sake come to life and live again too? Yes, they came to life and have become as priests of God and Christ, and have reigned with Christ for a thousand years.
-Am I saying the millennial reign is about those blessed first century workers of Christ who were murdered for the gospel sake came to life and reigned with God and Christ for a thousand years in heaven? Yes.
-Are their earthly remains still in the graves? Yes.
-Are all the dead raised now, clothed in a new heavenly body and taken up to heaven into judgment or eternal life? Yes.
-When was the great white throne judgment? It was, it is, and it is to come.
-Have things remained the same since creation? No. I am saying God is real. God cleansed the land with water once before, and God cleansed the land with fire roughly 66.5 - 70 AD, and his salvation that followed was a deep cleansing of the whole earth, it changed everything.
-Is God going to come and smite all living things again? No. A promise from God is a promise forever.
-Does Jesus love sinners? Yes. He died for them.
-Is salvation for all? Yes, all.
-Is there righteousness on earth now? Yes. The righteous shine forth as the sun in the kingdom of God.
-Is New Jerusalem, the holy city of God, the kingdom of God? Yes.
-Is the holy city of God, New Jerusalem, inhabited and set in place, now and forever? Yes.
-Are Christians the light of the world? Yes.
-Are Christians as kings of the earth then? Yes. They shine forth as the sun and they bring their light into the holy city of God as well.
-Was there a new heaven? Yes, the kingdom of God.
-Was there a new earth? Yes. The high and proud mountains were thrown down into the sea, and the low and humble valleys were lifted up as the earth and waters rushed in, and as the waters dry the sea of wickedness is no more.
-Does God love the Jews who practice Judaism? Yes. If a Jew will believe Jesus is the son of God, accepting that gift of salvation, that Jew will be saved.
-If we belong to Christ, and Christ is that seed of Abraham, are we who belong to Christ seed of Abraham, and heirs according to the promise? Yes.
-Is the promise land a dusty land with war all around? No. It is the promised land, the paradise of God, the kingdom of God, heaven.
-Does God love Muslims? Yes. If any man will believe Jesus is the son of God, accepting that gift of salvation, that man will be saved.
-What are they saved from? The curse of the law, which is death. Christ is life.
-Was the devil thrown into the lake of fire, where the beasts and false prophets were? Yes, all his horses, all his men, they are consumed in the flame of utter shame for all eternity, separated from God.
-When was the great white throne judgment? It was, it is, and it is to come.
-Are there dogs outside the holy city? Yes, and lions and tigers and bears too.
-Are the gates of the holy city of God, New Jerusalem open? Yes.
-Do his sheep hear his voice? Yes. They come to him.
-Do his sheep keep his commandments? Yes. Blessed are they that do his commandments.
-Are civilizations more civilized now than they were 2000 years ago? Yes.
-Is life on earth getting better all the time for many when seen as a whole instead of in our local daily news, our short lifetimes? Yes.
Does this message seem like foolishness to you? I pray not. See "Seven Questions".