He is called "Lord", because he was given all power in heaven and earth.
He is called "King", because he has received his kingdom and he reigns.
He is Lord of all, or He is not Lord at all.
He is King of all, or He is not King at all.
Jesus, King of King's and Lord of Lord's. Do you believe it?
To know him is to know who he is, what he does, and to walk with him.
To walk with him is to love God and other people.
It was not by might or power that Jesus suddenly came to his temple, in three days, but by the Spirit of the Lord. It is not by might or power that the Lord Jesus now reigns with a rod of iron, not with forced compliance, but by the Spirit of the Lord.
In his mercy, there is liberty for all, what a gracious Lord! And in his judgment, there is justice for all. The Lord reigns giving liberty and justice for all. Now that's a fine Lord!
Glory be to the King of kings and Lord of lords. That is his name. You can call upon him by that name, "King of kings and Lord of lords". He is King of heaven and earth right now, because he has received his kingdom and he reigns. He is Lord of heaven and earth right now, because he was given all power in heaven and earth. He sits very high, most high, at the right hand of the power of God. He is very unique. He is called "Yehoshua" in Hebrew, that means "Yehovah saved". He is called "Jesus" in English.
If you have sinned just once before you need to hear this. He is worthy to forgive us of our sins, he was granted the right, because He put on our shoes and walked with us, among us, as one of us, a human! Imagine that! The Word of God, God, became a man. He was tempted in every way we are, even in ways hard for us to imagine, yet he was without sin. He never offended his Good Father once. He is unique in that way, that he never sinned. Also, he is unique in that he was alive, then he was dead, and he is alive forever more. There is no one like him in heaven or earth. He is the unique son of God, the strong arm of the Lord God almighty.
He was born of the Spirit of God as his Father, after all, God is a spirit, and he had no human dad. The Spirit planted the seed in a human woman named Mary as his Mother. He was born of flesh as to be born under the curse of the law which is death, and without sin, he was able to overcome sin and death, worthy to restrain and destroy the works of the devil over sin and death. He holds the keys of death and the grave. He will call you from your grave dear reader, yes, he will, great and small.
He was found worthy to open the scrolls of righteous judgment sent forth from heaven, no one else was, no one else in heaven or earth, no one but the holy Lamb of God, King of kings and Lord of lords. His judgments were, are, and will always be righteous and fair, true and right, for all, and it's certain.
He is very gracious and easy going, giving liberty to all, at the same time, justice to all. His judgments are true and right. There is liberty and justice for all from the fair and righteous King of all kings and Lord of all lords. He is holy. He is very holy. Glory, honor, and power unto the most high Lord God almighty, his Good Father, our Good Father, now and forever. Amen.
I pledge allegiance... to the God... of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob... And to the kingdom... for which Christ stands... all nations... under God... invincible... with liberty and justice for all. AMEN
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