I would like to see greater honor given to Christ the Lord on the day we have set as the day to remember and celebrate His birth, December 25th. About 2,010 years ago, The Light was sent from God to the earth during the darkest time in the northern hemisphere, it's true.
I have a vision of a better way to celebrate the birth of the Christ, the One we call "Jesus" in English, or "Iesous" in Greek, or "Yeshua" and "Yehoshua" in Hebrew. "King of all kings and Lord of all lords" is his name. You can call upon Him by that name as well. He is the Messiah, the Christ son of God. This is not a fable. God did send his son to take away the sins of the world.
I would like to see all Christians come together in unity, for starters, if just this one day a year, all Christian members gathering as the one body we truly are, simply gathering as "Christians". This gathering in each and every City or Town all over the whole world, each and every year, would be a mass gathering of Christians, and could rightfully be called "The Christ Mass". There truly is only one name for Christ's people in the Holy Bible, and that name is "Christian".
This mass gathering could be held in a large public place, such as a large stadium, or a park, or a public parcel of land, or a main street within each City or Town all over the world. All the Christian Churches within a certain City or Town could unite to fund this blessed project each year. A public place with no single Christian denominational banner above any entrance, as to not set high or offend any single Christian member or denomination, but if there is a banner above any entrance, may it simply read "Christians United".
In this vision of Christian unity, I vision a procession of Christians each bringing their gifts for the needy within that same City or Town, for the most needy strangers to be found, and all the orphans, and all the widows. This search may require working with Social organizations in your City or Town, maybe a Christian knock on every door in your City or Town, and a good look around would be good too. Not to proselytize the people into a certain denomination, but to find the most worthy receivers of these blessed gifts. This work alone may provoke many to join the celebration. This would make our Good Father very proud.
A great first step in putting our heads together would be to have a Christian Donation Center in every city or town, like a big warehouse that all the Christian Churches in that same city or town own and run together, non denominational in itself though, just "Christian".
This better way of bringing honor to the name of Christ is to give to the needy, not the wanty. Someday all Christian Churches will unite having a single shared purpose; to bring relief to the needy, the orphan, and the widow. I can see them now, a singing procession of Christians walking in single file line, each line from each of the four directions, one at a time presenting their anonymous gifts upon a center stage, and back to their place, and all in the name of Christ the Lord. May there be music and singing, togetherness, and lot's of colorful lights, with the most bright light at center stage. (One of those grand opening lights would be good! It would also be as a beacon to many.)
Christian, may the many benefit from the tithes and the few from the offerings, tithes for the needy, offerings for the Church buildings. Let us assemble, let us gather, but let us not think so highly of buildings made by the hands of men. Wherever two or more are gathered in Jesus' name, God is there also. God has built a spiritual building, not made by the hands of men with wood or stone. You Christian are the temple for God to dwell within.
As politicians are expected to do, we Christians are expected to set aside our differences when it comes to the well being of millions of people. The divisions of the Christian Churches, all those denominations do divide up the giving of all Christians to their individual Churches in a way that does the very least to all people outside any one single Church denomination. May your best efforts go towards reaching out to the needy, within and well beyond those walls, doing deeds of mercy. If Christians all over the world, from every label above the door, could unite in giving into one international Christian humanitarian fund, we could do so much more to spread our helping hands to the needy.
This better way of honoring Christ the Lord would require many Christian managers to see to it that every single gift received at the mass gathering would go to where it should rightfully go, two leaders from each Christian denomination would be a great manager team, and after all the votes are in, and with God speed, the disbursement of the gifts received from every single Christian in town could begin without delay and continuing through the year until every gift has been received. It sure would be great if it took until the next Christmas for all the gifts to be received!
Christian, would you say this is a better way to bring honor to Christ the Lord than the way things are set in place now? Seems to me an evil has tried to take honor away from Christ the Lord on the very day known to us Christians as His birthday, in many ways, and many changes are in order. Christians, let us unite in our giving, greater good could be done all over the world. According to the will of God, may it be so.