A Testimony of Christ the Lord and His Generation
THE ONE we call "Jesus" in English is the anointed son of God, the Word of God who was manifest in the flesh, the promised Messiah who was to come, as spoken of by Daniel and many of the prophets of 'ol long before he appeared in the last days, the last days of the old covenant age before Christ. "Who can describe his generation?" asked the writer of Acts, paraphrasing Isaiah the prophet.
Jesus spoke of his generation many times and in many ways, in parables and plainly, even saying "Truly I say to you this generation will not pass until all that is written be fulfilled."
John the the baptizer came to prepare the way for the Lord, coming before Jesus having a baptism of repentance for the forgiveness of sins. Repentance makes a straight path for the Holy Spirit to work, preparing the children of God to be a people better prepared to hear the very Word of their father in heaven.
As a holy angel of God revealed to the prophet Malachi long before; that in the last days, before the great day of the Lord, Elijah would come, and the angel revealed to John's dad, Zecheriah, the spirit and power of Elijah was within John, to turn the hearts of the children back to their father, and the father back to the children.
Jesus revealed John was the Elijah who was to come, he was not Elijah re-incarnated, he was indeed John, but in those last days the spirit and power of Elijah was manifest within him.
Jesus revealed there was war in heaven beginning the day John was born, and as the seventy disciples of Christ returned victorious over devils all over Judea, that he seen Satan fall as lightning from heaven. He did not live there, he was trying to take it by force.
The first century was a time of intense spiritual warfare, and within his generation was a time of great tribulation, just as Jesus said would be.
In the last days God poured out his spirit, just as he said he would long before through the prophet Joel, as Peter stood up and declared at Pentecost, when people from all over the world who were gathered in Jerusalem for the feast of tabernacles heard the twelve apostles speaking in their own native tongues. The reason for this outpouring was that the gospel be preached to the ends of the earth, and Paul later declared the gospel was preached to every creature under heaven, as Jesus had commissioned.
If a man believe Jesus is the son of God, that man will be saved. We who are free of the curse of the law are not free to break the law, blessed are those who keep the commandments. By one man sin entered into the world, and by one man sin was taken away from the world. In disobedience born of deception came death, but in obedience born of truth came life, and God raised him from the dead. Jesus reversed the curse just as Moses lifted up his stick in the wilderness.
The Good News truly is good news, even better than many Christians realize!
Listen. The last days were in the first century. The Messiah came. He was the light and it was very dark outside, as midnight. God sent the light to make war with the darkness, to destroy the works of the devil, an act of good will toward man, that there be peace on earth, as the holy angels of God announced at his birth.
Christ the Lord made war with the powers of darkness, just as the light of the sun overcomes the darkness of night.
The first century religious system of the Jews in JERUSALEM, the first religious system in the world, the Mother religious system, also known as Herod's Temple in Jerusalem, she sat upon the political system of the Roman Empire, even calling upon the Emperor to crucify Jesus, a beastly threat to both Jews and Gentiles and a many a Christian, a looming threat to the whole known world, as it was known at the time, Caesar taxed the world.
There was a great tribulation within that same generation that witnessed the coming of the promised Messiah and his persecution unto death. For 42 months, roughly 66.5 - 70 AD when Jerusalem was trodden of the Gentiles and the temple in Jerusalem was made desolate. Not one stone of the temple was left upon another because there was gold between each stone and the Roman legions pried apart each stone for the gold. Blood flowed through the streets of Jerusalem up to the ankles, a Jewish historian records. It was much more than just another war, it was an act of God. It was a time of vengeance for the blood of all the prophets sent to Jerusalem, A - Z.
His were the days of vengeance to fulfill all that was written, for the blood of all the prophets, just as Jesus said.
He came with a sword to vanquish the most prominent threats to the new-born Christian child, and the whole world.
So, Christianity was born. The child grew. Things have changed since the birth of Christianity, the Holy Bible only records the birth, with exception to the great book of Revelation, in all truth it goes beyond the birth, in all truth. In this new earth age in Christ, Jesus still says: "If a man love me, he will keep my words, and my father will love him, and we will come unto him and make our abode with him."
The kingdom of God grows, one person at a time.
Yes. You truly are a temple not made by the hands of men but the hand of God.
Who can measure the dominion of the Word of God? Who can say what day or hour dominion was acheived? Only God. The Word of God has dominion, he is in his place and he cannot be moved, not even with a nuke. He sits at the right hand of the power of God now and forever. AMEN.
Yes, God is good, yes, life goes on, there is salvation by the way of the son.